Classification: Adult Fiction
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Series: Cupid, Texas
Format: Paperback; 432 pages
Publisher: Avon (March 28, 2017)
ISBN-10: 0062468219
ISBN-13: 978-0062468215
Author's Website: http://loriwilde.com/
Notes: I received an ARC (Advanced Reader Copy) from the publisher in exchange for an honest review. I am also an Avon Addict which means I love the books that Avon publishes enough to volunteer to read as many ARCs and books as they can send my way. So you'll be seeing a lot of books reviewed by me from this publisher. Please note, however, that if I don't like a book, it will be truthfully reflected by a low rating. Please note that as I read an ARC, any quotes listed are subject to change, they will need to be checked and verified against the final version.
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Ridge Lockhart has spent his entire life trying to prove himself. At the tender age of three, his mother dropped him off on his father's doorstep right before she allegedly committed suicide. His father and his then wife had wanted nothing to do with him, but had no choice but to take him in. So over the years Ridge worked hard to make a name for himself and earn his father's respect, praise, and love--three things Duke Lockhart seems incapable of giving him.
Ten years ago things came to a head when Ridge found his father in bed with his girlfriend. He left home without ever looking back. He no longer seeks anything from father. Now he's driven to prove that he's better than his dad. On the verge of a deal that will make him richer than his father, he's come home for his best friend's wedding.
Kaia Alzate comes from a long line of women said to be gifted with the ability to recognize their true love with just one kiss. Legend, or at least Kaia's grandmother, has it that when when a woman from their family line kisses their soul mate they hear a soft, but distinct humming at the base of their brains. Kaia's had a crush on her brother's best friend, Ridge, for as long as she can remember. When a kiss reveals him to be 'the one', she knows she's in trouble because everyone knows Ridge Lockhart is emotionally unavailable and allergic to commitment.

This is the fifth book in the Cupid, Texas series and you can jump right in with this one. I hadn't read the previous books, but I didn't feel lost at all. I will warn you, however, that you'll probably feel the need to read the previous four books in the series as I did. So be prepared.
There was so much going on in this book, but it was all good. Well, good for the reader that is. There is a huge amount of emotional depth in this one, and I love how Kaia wasn't afraid to call it like she saw it in regards to Ridge. She made him take a good look at himself and figure out what he really wanted--not just what he thought he wanted. He had a bit of tunnel vision going on and he wasn't looking at the big picture that was his life. Both he and Kaia had a lot to work through before they could truly be a couple, and I liked how the two seemed to balance one another.
If you haven't figured it out, I absolutely adored this one. I gave it 5 out of 5 roses. It did get a little slow in the middle, but I was actually glad this romance wasn't rushed. It's a story that centers around family, love, and forgiveness. It was fun, sexy, and emotionally deep which made for a delightful combination. A wonderful read that left me sighing. On the Lisarenee Romance Rating Scale, this one earned a STEAM rating--too hot for a fan, but you still have a handle on things. You should use extreme caution when reading a book with this rating in public. People may inquire as to why you looked flustered and flushed.
Notes to keep you in the know:
How to remove a ring with dental floss:
Order of the Cupid, Texas series:
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