Classification: Adult Fiction
Genre: Romance Suspense
Series: Montana Heat (Book 2)
Format: Hardcover; 320 pages
Publisher: Avon (August 29, 2017)
ISBN-10: 0062697196
ISBN-13: 978-0062697196
Author's Website:
Notes: This one does include violence towards women, so be aware. I received an ARC from the publisher at RWA. All quotes need to be checked against the final version as they are subject to change prior to publication. All errors involving quotes are most likely my own.
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Ashley Swan disappeared a little under a year ago from the Hollywood spotlight. She was at the height of her career and still climbing after winning her first of what many predicted would be many Oscars. With no evidence of foul play or anything to suggest she'd met her end, many believed she simply gave it all up and walked away. But when Ashley Swan stumbles onto the property of a DEA agent in the middle of a snow storm severely under dressed with a young boy in tow the truth of what really happened begins to unfold. She did not walk away. She was kidnapped.Now trying to reclaim her life with the help of Beck, she'll need to make sure the man who kidnapped her doesn't get away with it. For the man who took her has powerful friends in high places, and enough dirt on many others that getting charges to stick on him will be very difficult.
This was a roller coaster ride of a read. There were twists and turns, highs and lows, and just when you thought you knew everything that was going on, another layer of the story is revealed. There is a lot going on in this one and it makes for a very addictive and suspenseful read.
Ashley is a very strong and brave young woman who feels like a shell of her former self. She'd been touted as one of the most beautiful women in Hollywood. Now she looks like she could play the starring role on The Walking Dead without any makeup. When she sees a means to escape from her captor, however, she doesn't hesitate to take the young boy who was held captive with her along. Considering she has to carry the boy a good portion of the way in her condition, that says a lot about her character.
Beck, just came off of an undercover assignment that went terribly wrong, and is in hiding from those he attempted to bring down. He's hoping to stay out of the spotlight, and when Ashley tells him her story, he realizes they need to be very careful how they handle things. Ashley is afraid the media will twist things on her and make her out to be the villain. If the charges against her kidnapper don't stick, she'll forever be looking over her shoulder wondering if he's out there somewhere planning to come after her once again.
I couldn't help but give this one 5 out of 5 roses. It had all the things I look for in a good romantic suspense novel. I loved the chemistry between the two main character, the drama of the situation, the suspense from not knowing if the kidnapper would be caught, and all the twists and turns Ms. Ryan threw in between. On the Lisarenee Romance Rating Scale, this one earned a FAN rating--the temperature in the room seems to have suddenly gone up a couple of degrees and a fan would be nice. I highly recommend this one. I thoroughly enjoyed it.
Order of the Montana Heat series: