- Title: Enslave Me Sweetly
- Classification: Adult Fiction
- Genre: Paranormal Romance
- Format: Paperback, 320 pages
- Publisher: Downtown Press; Original edition (June 6, 2006)
- ISBN-10: 0743497503
- ISBN-13: 978-0743497503
- Author's website: http://members.genashowalter.com/
- Notes: Contains violence toward women and language some may consider offensive.
"I'm an alien. A Raka. A golden one, some humans call us, because our hair, skin and eyes resemble liquid gold. But I was conceived here and raised by a human."
"I'm paid by the government to destroy other-worlders so vile, so disgusting, they can't take a chance alien rights advocates will get involved in the case. I'm not A.I.R., Alien Investigation and Removal. I'm worse."
"Over the years I've been delegated the easy marks, the ones requiring no more skill than a blind man in a virtual game. Since my father is also my boss, he's the reason for my lack of hard-core cases. I know he hopes to protect me, but I'm long past the need."
Eden Black is an assassin. Her current assignment is to try to put an end to an illustrious human & alien trafficking ring, which sells woman and men to the highest bidder. Some are sold to aliens from other worlds and transported through portals. Some are kidnapped via orders placed for a specific individual or type. Her father has teamed her up with Luscious Adaire. Together the two will attempt to do what others have failed - to rid the world of EenLi, the mastermind behind the trafficking ring. They'll use Eden, who is a rare type of alien, as bait to trap EenLi.
I loved both Eden and Luscious, and the fact Eden couldn't hide her attraction to Luscious. The scent she emitted when she was aroused was a fun addition. How embarrassing would that would be? I also loved that Luscious hadn't a clue as to what the scent meant and thought it was her perfume. Showalter has a wicked sense of humor that I adore. I wonder if Rakan men do the same thing and if their scent differs?
I loved how Eden sets out to prove herself as an agent, and her father has to deal with it. The secondary character, Devyn, was the kind of guy you just want to smack for being such a conceited son of an alien, but for some reason you can't help liking him. I liked the drama associated with trying to assassinate EenLi and, of course, the relationship between Eden and Luscious. Where a lot of romances take a while to ignite, the attraction between Eden and Luscious was instantaneous and took them both by surprise. A very fun read.
On the Lisarenee Romance Rating Scale, this one earns a STEAM rating - too hot for a fan, but you still have a handle on things. May wish to avoid reading this one in public because people may inquire why you're flushed, flustered, and grinning from ear to ear. Overall, this one gets 4 out of 5 roses.
Order series should be read:
1) Awaken Me Darkly
2) Enslave Me Sweetly
3) Savor Me Slowly
3.5) Deep Kiss of Winter
4) Seduce the Darkness
5) Ecstasy in Darkness
6) Dark Taste of Rapture
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